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めまぐるしく変化するこの時代を生き抜くコツ Tips for surviving in these rapidly changing times


















How to flexibly survive in today's rapidly changing society, where spirituality is more important than materiality.


It's hard to keep up with the rapid pace of change... Such is the modern society. But don't worry, everyone! It is important not to get caught up in material wealth alone, but to search for spiritual wealth.


Because material things are temporary. But the growth of the mind is a treasure for a lifetime. If we improve our mind, we can respond flexibly to any changes.


For example, meditate to face your inner self. Sharpen your five senses and feel yourself in the present moment. This will release stress and calm your mind.


Engage in dialogue with friends and family. A supportive relationship will give you peace of mind and help you find meaning in your life.


Take a walk in nature. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and listen to the trees and birds chirping. The healing time will refresh your tired mind and body.


A small daily mindfulness becomes a great strength. Why don't you start today to improve your spirituality?