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ワクワクするって何ですか? What is exciting?



















・生活の活力になる。 生き生きと行動できる。







・思い通りの結果や反応が得られた時。長年の夢がかなった時や、頑張ったことが報われた時もワクワクしますね。 小さな成功体験を積み重ねることが大切です。


・ 将来の夢に向かって一歩踏み出した時、新たな扉が開いた気がする時、可能性が感じられた時、ワクワクした気分に一瞬でなることができます。




ワクワクを持続するには「目標をもって、それに向かう」そして、「感謝の気持ちを忘れない」ことも重要でしょう。 さあ、みなさんワクワクを積み重ねて楽しく大切に過ごしませんか?


To be excited is to feel uplifted.

It also affects our brain's RAS, the system that controls attention and focus, as I have written about previously. When the RAS is activated by excitement, we are able to focus on positive information. As a result, we are more likely to notice new opportunities and ideas, which increases our focus and helps us achieve our goals.


The importance of being excited is said to be

It relieves stress. It refreshes the mind. 

It suppresses the secretion of stress hormones, which in turn activates immune cells and strengthens the immune system.

Laughing releases happy hormones and brightens the mood.

It improves brain function. Brain activation can be achieved. 

Laughing makes breathing stronger and increases the supply of oxygen to the brain.

As a result, concentration and memory are also improved.

Laughing on purpose also has the effect of deceiving the brain and making it feel excited. Research has also shown that while laughing, the effect is similar to that of natural laughter.

It increases metabolism. It leads to the maintenance and improvement of health.

It regulates the function of internal organs. Increases appetite and helps to maintain a balanced diet.

It gives vitality to one's life. It will help you to be more lively and active.

It is a wonderful effect to be able to make efforts for a positive change of mood and physical fitness!


So, what is the secret to feeling excited?

Experience something new and fresh. Challenging yourself with unknown experiences is exciting and thrilling. Traveling to an exotic location or trying a new sport is also recommended.

When you get the results or reactions you want. It is also exciting when a long-held dream comes true or when your hard work pays off. It is important to accumulate small successes.

When you take a step toward your future dream, when you feel a new door open, or when you feel a sense of possibility, you can instantly feel excited.

...Stimulate the senses. Eating a good meal, enjoying nature's scenery, or being intoxicated by music can also help.

To keep the excitement alive, it is also important to "set a goal and work toward it" and "remember to be grateful. So, everyone, why don't we accumulate excitement and enjoy and cherish it?